Saturday, 16 August 2008

Skrewdriver - All skrewed up

Although Skrewdriver would eventually make themselves infamous by associating themselves and their music with the Neo-Nazi movement, at one time they were putting out quality punk rock without any racist lyrics. The original Skrewdriver line-up were the bridge between the blues-rock bands of the 60's such as the Rolling Stones and The Who, and their 70's punk rock counterparts. "All Skrewed Up" effectively combines the maximum R&B of "The Who Sings My Generation" by The Who and the minimalist speed of the Ramones "Leave Home". However, because of Skrewdriver's later LPs like "What Rider" and "Blood & Honour" which marked the band's descent into racism, most punk experts will gladly ignore this incredible 77 effort. "All Skrewed Up" was released at nearly exactly the same time as Nevermind the Bollocks by the Sex Pistols, but because the Pistols were being hyped the media, All Skrewed Up went largely unnoticed. All Skrewed Up was one of the best UK punk LPs of 1977, yet unfortunately because of what Ian Stuart turned the band into. you will not see "All Skrewed Up" on most favorites lists.

1. Where's It Gonna End
2. Government Action
3. Backstreet Kids
4. Gotta Be Young
5. I Don't Need Your Love
6. I Don't Like You
7. An-ti-so-cial
8. (Too Much) Confusion
9. 9 till 5
10. Jailbait
11. We Don't Pose
12. The Only One
13. Won't Get Fooled Again

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